green salad with toasted dates and strawberry dressing

Today is the first day that spring was at its peak and summer was trying to push through. I can see my seedlings sprouting through the earth eagerly reaching for the sun. The birds this year have been in abundance and start their crazy chirping at 4 am – I do not mind. Gratitude for life is everyday but this particular time just in the vortex of spring and summer brings deep thankfulness in my heart.

This is my thankfulness salad πŸ™‚

I had seen a recipe on a blog I follow from HadiaΒ  where she had used fried dates and this recipe was inspired by her use of dates. I have roasted the dried Medjool dates for a few minutes on a dry pan and toasted the almonds in the same.

The greens are spinach and some arugula ( any greens should be fine).

The fresh radishes are the first harvest from my garden and the moong sprouts are home made. The dressing is a strawberry concoction where I have not used any oil. It is a blend of strawberries, Dijon mustard, rice vinegar, maple syrup and Umeboshi paste. The recipe has the guidance for the quantities but I would recommend you adjust to your taste. The plum paste is very tart and salty so be careful.

Sharing a beautiful poem by Habba Khatoon the great mystic poet that had a tremendous influence on the culture in Kashmir

Rain has come , and fields and fruit trees sing,
Spring has come , and Love , the Lord of Spring,
Dandelions have lifted up their faces,
Cold has gone and every wintry thing !
Forget-me-not the forest graces,
Iris and the lily spring will bring.
Gather violets, O Narcissus,
Winter’s ashes from our door I fling !
The water bird the lake embraces,
How can frost upon your petals cling ?

Greens with toasted dates and strawberry dressing

  • Servings: 2
  • Difficulty: easy
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β€’ Greens- Spinach and Arugula – 3 handfuls

β€’ Red Radishes – 5 -6 sliced

β€’ Fresh Strawberries – 10 sliced

β€’ 1 cup Mung sprouts

β€’ 1/2 cup shelled edamame

β€’ 1/2 cup slivered almonds

β€’ 1/2 cup chopped Medjool dates


β€’ Fresh Strawberries – 5

β€’ Dijon mustard – 1 tbsp

β€’ Rice vinegar – 2 tbsp

β€’ Umeboshi – 1/2 tsp

β€’ Maple syrup – 1tbsp

β€’ Salt and sprinkle of water if needed


β€’ Toast the dates on a dry pan for 2 -3 minutes – you should be able to smell the slight caramelization.

β€’ Toast the almonds for a couple of mins

β€’ Blend all the ingredients for the dressing adjusting to your taste

β€’ Assemble the greens and top with radishes, sprouts and strawberries.

β€’ Add the dates and almonds and top with the dressing.

For my friends Angie and Laurena and everyone else at Fiesta Friday – hope you enjoy this vegan salad.

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